You may have missed it. The major news stations did not even cover it beyond a quick mention in most cases. The Final Report of the Federal Commission on School Safety was released to the world last week. It is a comprehensive look at many of the topics that are the underlying root causes of mass killer events in our schools. Lauded by victim’s families and President Trump, it is a start. It is actual recognition of many of the problems, and for that we can all be grateful.
The only downside? These are RECOMMENDATIONS, not mandates. Each region of the country and school district has a different set of local and state laws, and this report advises that they implement what makes sense for each local community.
Some of the aspects covered in the report that warrant more discussion and ACTION include:
- Restoring school discipline, the role of the media (specifically NOT using the murderer’s name)
- Building Security and Preparedness
The full report goes into details on the what and why, along with recommendations fro administrators and communities to consider. Here is a news segment covering the round table discussion that occurred at the White House to reveal the report to the country:
What do YOU think? Leave us a comment here and on our PDN Facebook page!

This in light of the judges ruling in the Parkland school shooting, which has not been widely covered, that LEO’s / resource officers are NOT compelled to protect persons not in their custody. This is huge as it reaffirms the 2A. It is an individuals right and now responsibility to keep and bear arms. The anti 2A people have long said only police and military should have firearms, this ruling simply says that that’s not true.