Personal Defense in the Home 9-DVD Set + FREE Concealed Carry Box Set
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Bundle: Personal Defense in the Home 9-DVD Set + FREE Concealed Carry Box Set
Personal Defense in the Home 9-DVD Set
There is much to consider in making yourself safe at home. Eliminate vulnerabilities and prepare for the unexpected with this comprehensive DVD set. Offering a wealth of expert insight, tips, techniques and critical considerations, this in-depth collection is designed to help you prevent and prepare for potentially life threatening events within your home.
Disaster Preparation
In this video, Rob Pincus presents his best tips for preparing for a variety of potential disasters that could befall you, your family and your community. Weather, geological and social disasters are all covered. Topics such as medical, evacuation and of course, personal defense are addressed in this information packed video. Anyone who understands the potential effects of large scale disasters and wants to be as prepared as possible should own this video. 70 minutes.
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design
Crime Prevention Through Environment Design (CPTED) is the process of utilizing opportunities with lighting, fencing, landscaping and even building and property maintenance to make your family, your home, your business and your community safer. Rob Pincus shares the fundamental concepts of CPTED and tips for implementing them around your property. Complete with specific suggestions, demonstrations and hypothetical examples, this information can help you avoid the need for personal defense by increasing your overall security. 74 minutes.
Firearm Storage and Access
Learn to properly and safely store your firearms while also allowing for quick access. 68 minutes.
Armed Home Defense
Ultimately, your plan for remaining safe in your home may fail and you could need to defend yourself with a firearm. Armed Home Defense shows you a variety of defensive handgun options that are well suited for home defense, as well as ways for you to stage defensive firearms in your home. 68 minutes.
Pump Shotguns for Home Defense
In this video, you will be shown how to setup a shotgun, fundamentals on how to use a shotgun for defense, and how to reload a shotgun while defending yourself. Common shotgun myths will also be discussed. 73 minutes.
Locks and Doors
The doors in your home, and the locks installed in them, are a critical line of defense against intruders. This video takes a close look at the major components of both locks and doors, pointing out common vulnerabilities and offering sound advice for ‘hardening’ your home. 62 minutes.
Advanced Personal Defense: Combat Focus™ Shooting / Home Defense Tips
Acclaimed by countless law enforcement, military, and private shooting groups worldwide, the CFS program provides the most consistent and efficient means possible to “significantly affect the target’s ability to present a lethal threat.” In this DVD, Rob leads you through the foundational principles of Combat Focus Shooting, emphasizing defensive training which incorporates the body’s natural reactions to a perceived threat, including an ambush. In addition, this video will help you better defend yourself and your family in your home. Rob Pincus, professional trainer, will show you how to escape and barricade, how to shoot from a one handed and two handed position, and how to utilize different techniques for tactical movements. 75 minutes.
Home Security Systems/Home Defense Techniques
This video will teach you the ins and outs on home security systems. You will be taught simple techniques such as where to best keep a control panel, where to install interior sensors, and even what rooms are the safest. This video will help you best understand how a residential security alarm system can keep you and your family safer. 51 minutes.
Immediate Aftermath of a Shooting
Rob Pincus discusses and demonstrates what you need to be thinking about after you have successfully defended yourself with a firearm, including dealing with wounded civilians and attackers in your environment, recognizing important medical issues and properly engaging with law enforcement. 50 minutes.
FREE Concealed Carry Box Set ($60 Value)
Personal defense and safety is a rising concern. Concealed carry laws are active in 49 out of 50 states making the protection of loved ones no longer out-of-reach. Available for the first time to the general public, Personal Defense Network (PDN) has assembled a series of revolutionary handgun training DVDs demonstrating:
Rob Pincus, internationally acclaimed personal defense instructor and consultant, delivers step-by-step techniques for defensive training with efficiency and consistency. Pincus’ expertise, training and background in military, law enforcement, executive protection and recreational shooting, allows him to draw from a broad experience base while providing effective reality-based training. 199 minutes.
Combat Focus Shooting
Combat Focus Shooting is an intuitive shooting program, designed to make the shooter more efficient in the context of a plausible defensive shooting situation. Through this training, learn proven techniques for shooting efficiently if attacked, understand personal and family safety in a variety of common settings, deliver tactical movements with a firearm as well as close-contact and unorthodox shooting skills. In addition, learn combat focus shooting skills for semi-automatic handguns, revolvers, shotguns and rifles. 73 minutes.
Advanced Pistol Handling
The Advanced Pistol Handling Course expands the circumstances under which you can perform the skills learned in the Combat Focus Shooting program. Rob will teach you advanced shooting techniques and special training drills he developed for use in his training of military and law enforcement students, as well as everyday citizens who wish to improve their proficiency with a firearm—specifically for personal defense. This DVD provides a realistic look at the techniques necessary to prepare for an attack at home, in the car or on the street. 67 minutes.
Defensive Firearms use in Public
There are many distractions and variables taken for granted every day; these variables influence your ability to recognize and deal with a threat, should one arise. In this DVD, learn how to deal with bystanders, responding police officers, and how you should respond if you are caught in the middle of a robbery. 59 minutes.