Rob Pincus

Firearm Safety: Pointing Guns in a Safe Direction Reminder

Rob Pincus
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Duration:   5  mins

Rob Pincus is on site at the Ben Avery Shooting Range near Phoenix, Arizona, to discuss firearm safety on the range in regards to pointing a gun. People usually come to the range with their carry gun in the holster and pointed straight down for fast presentation. The gun should then be pointed straight out to take a shot, keeping it in a safe direction at all times: straight down, then straight at the target. Pointing the gun in the air, whether in the high ready position, to do a reload, or for any other reason, is unsafe on an outdoor range with no roof, and is also inefficient.

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6 Responses to “Firearm Safety: Pointing Guns in a Safe Direction Reminder”

  1. MSgt DM Wolf

    Outstanding information. I appreciate all the safety advice! In my 22 years of service in the US Marines as a RSO ( Range Safety Officer) and OIC ( Officer In Charge) of multiple types of ranges from M-9 pistol to 81mm mortor ranges and more i drilled range safely into each Marine Devildog and earned their respect for keeping them safe! MSgt DM Wolf US Marines Bravo Co 1st BN 23 Marines

  2. Average Joe

    Boy! I have been doing this wrong. High Ready with arms pinned to the side of my chest to keep the firearm in retention. Business end is up in the air. I congrad myself on not pointing at anyone. I learned something and now have to relearn and retrain.

  3. Bill Bussey

    First, make sure the gun is unloaded, make sure! Then make sure it is pointed down range, still unloaded. Load it and fire and then practice safe gun procedures. This is a great site. Bill

  4. Ed McCourt

    This is one of the reasons LEO's are instructed NOT to fire warning shoots. What goes up must come down. Ed

  5. Mike Thompson

    As always Rob... great tips. I do have an question/exception about "safe direction". I work at an outdoor range with (with no partitians between lanes) and a CONCRETE floor. I ask entering guest with uncased firearms to "Because we have a concrete floor, please point your gun up. I'd rather have another hole in the roof than a ricochet". Do you think that's a bad idea. Thanks. You are doing a great service. Mike Thompson

  6. LarryArnold

    Typical centerfire handgun will throw a bullet a mile and a quarter. Common centerfire rifles, 2 to 5 miles. Even in self-defense, we are responsible for every round fired.

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