PDN LIVE! October 2016

Rob Pincus and Rob Leatham, two of the most recognized names in the shooting world, are at it again: Coming at the topic of Defensive Shooting Skill Development from their very opposite views. In this installment of PDN Live, Rob & Rob answer audience questions about grip, stance, shooting drills, competition shooting, vision and much more (even black powder rifles!?). If you take your preparation for armed defense seriously, this is a must watch hour packed with information from two of the most experienced teachers in the industry.


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49 Responses to “PDN LIVE! October 2016”

  1. John

    It helps me if you will provide transcripts of all videos. I can scan that and get the information much quicker than watching a video. I just don't have time for videos on most days.


    Thank you very much for the opportunity to learn from you ... thanks

  3. Rick

    We all need this but I do as I am disabled

  4. Rick

    Hi -sometimes I have to leave my ccw in my glovebox when at work for hours , I live in ohio should I have any concerns about extreme cold or heat on my ammo I know about condensation but any other concerns thanks - I tried like heck to win a course win a course with Mr. L when and where will you be in my area

  5. Bob Phillips


  6. Howard


  7. corey

    looking forward to what you all have to say

  8. Corey Falzone

    Have a great show!

  9. James

    love these!

  10. cowpaddi

    Tried to watch the video replay. I got an error message to sign in to view the video. Even after signing in I could not view the video. Tried two different browsers. Don't know where else to post this.