And it was all caught on camera!
“They’re lucky I didn’t shoot them” stated Stephen Routh after catching three teens in the act of ransacking his parents home in Asheboro, North Carolina.
He was alerted by a neighbor and met the three young men as they were leaving the family home. Stephen was not playing games, as he pointed his firearm at the teens and ordered them to get on the ground. He called police and held them at gunpoint until help arrived.
“I had the gun and they were coming out, and as soon as they saw the big gun pointed at them, their hands went up,’ Routh told Fox 8.
Police arrived after Routh remained on the phone while they were on the way.
Question for discussion start with the obvious one – did he use appropriate force and threat of force in this case? We are dealing with teen aged boys as young as 14 who ransacked the home, but were not caught stealing anything.
What were his other options, if any? Join the discussion below or on our Facebook page!

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