In the moment of a dynamic critical incident, you can’t get caught in the mental trap of denial. You can’t be frozen by the nonsensical nature of what is happening to you or your family. You must deal with the reality of what you are experiencing in a way that ignores any concern for understanding more than what is actually happening and what you should do in response. Through his articles, DVDs and PDN Live contributions, William has been educating the PDN audience for many years… this series is going to take his contributions to the next level!

The stories that William will be sharing will be graphic, disturbing and real. These examples drive home an important lesson about people who commit acts of irrational violence: They Are Not You!
If you aren’t yet familiar with William Aprill, check out his Aprill Risk Consulting website. He is one of the most universally respected experts in the area of criminal violence and related issues of mental health. If you haven’t seen his previous contributions to PDN, check out This Video for a sample of his wisdom and insight. The two full length DVDs that he did with us. We’ve got something new coming from PDN! If you aren’t familiar with William Aprill’s contributions to the defensive training community, take a look at this review of one of the DVDs he’s done with us in the past… and stand by for the news about an important new series that he’ll be sharing through our blog!” rel=”noopener” target=”_blank”>Violent Criminal Actors and The 5 W’s of Personal Defense) are among the most important titles we ever produced in regard to developing a counter ambush mindset and definitely worth owning and sharing with those you care about.
I’m looking forward to your feedback after the first few installments!
[…] very pleased to have been asked by Rob Pincus and the good folks at PDN to undertake a weekly series of brief articles designed to help subscribers develop a more functional and adaptive defensive […]