
Bulletproof Mind DVD + Free Download


Item: K5066Q

Bundle: Bulletproof Mind DVD + Free Download

There are basically two types of people in the world: sheep and wolves. If you are a productive member of society, you’re a sheep. If, on the other hand, you are someone who feeds on sheep without mercy, you are a wolf. Regardless of your mission in the world, when you forget or ignore the fact that there are evil people in the world, you become a sheep, ready to be preyed on by the wolves. Fortunately, there is a third type of person, one who has a deep and abiding love for his fellow productive citizens, but who has the capacity for violence when it comes to facing evil and protecting the sheep. He or she walks a hero’s path, directly into the heart of darkness to confront evil and walk out unscathed.

In the Bulletproof Mind video, ICE Instructor Rob Pincus and retired West Point psychology and military science professor Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, author of such classics as On Combat and On Killing, and an internationally known author and speaker on the subjects of human aggression, violence and crime, discuss what he describes as the only effective method of making a difference when it comes to confronting violence and those who wish to perpetrate it upon others, the “Bulletproof Mind”.

Those who watch Bulletproof Mind will come away from the experience better able to confront a high stress encounter – ready, willing, and able to control the massively limiting reactions of most people’s bodies. If you thought you were prepared to confront a violent situation before this discussion, be ready to have your preparedness as well as your confidence to protect those you are responsible for at a new, higher level. Bulletproof Mind will put new meaning into your idea of “knowledge is power”. 86 minutes.


  • Understanding the Problem of Violence in America
  • Preparing to Face Violence
  • The Sheepdog Concept
  • Dealing with the Aftermath of Personal Defense
  • Condition Yellow