Ken Murray

Conventional vs. Non-Conventional Munitions: Shooting Simulation

Ken Murray
Duration:   8  mins


Rob Pincus and Ken Murray discuss the relative value of training and practice with airsoft, simulation rounds, laser trainers, dry-fire and reduced caliber munitions as opposed to full-power live fire rounds. Opinions vary greatly in the training community about the requirement for live fire training and the best uses of alternatives.

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7 Responses to “Conventional vs. Non-Conventional Munitions: Shooting Simulation”

  1. Craig

    Excellent theories to practice, and I may already be doing so subconsciously. I bought my 2 yo one of those cheap electronic toy guns that mimic a report and slide movement without shooting projectiles, to drill trigger and muzzle discipline. I taped a sighting target (non silhouette) on the wall and showed him to get the target in sight before putting his little fingers on the trigger, and he soaked it up like a sponge. Also got him a cap gun to better mimic the report and a nerf gun to demonstrate the idea that something comes flying out of these things once the trigger is pressed. Might have to consider getting the wife an airsoft, as she is still so afraid of messing up with a live firearm that she finds every reason in the book not to train.

  2. bob

    My kids started with a daisy BB guns. Learning gun safety before a BB was even put into the barrel, after that, they got range time. Soon they moved up to the .22 Savage, after they were safe, and comfortable with the recoil, and moved up to my M1 garand and other weapons in my locker. Once they were no longer afraid of the M1's recoil, nothing in my locker would be too much, except my Mosin Nagant, which they still refuse to fire any more, but thats fine, its my baby after all. My 4 yo grandson started with the BB guns my daughter had, moved very quickly to the .22 Itheca mod. 90 single shot, and then my hi-point .9mm carbine. He shot 2X and three 10's with the Itheca at 25 yards, the .9mm scared him a little, not recoil, sound, even though he was wearing my best head hear. You can not teach kids early enough, safety was first, with days of holding (empty of course) barrel position, and the rules of gun safety before he even shot his first BB.

  3. JohnG

    For Rob, Did I hear correctly? Your daughter fired a gun at 18 months old?

  4. gm04

    I have been working on many scenarios with airsoft/blue gun(s). They are great for improving muscle memory and having fun (as long as obey rules, such as wearing goggles, etc). And ok, very cheap too. I can even shoot target(s) from 15 m with cheap toy airsoft with a very quick draw. However there are many things that you cannot practice with airsoft, which matters a lot in a real scenario. Let me say a few of them; 1. trigger pull is not the same (*** No sir, you cannot train yourself as a sharp shooter) 2. generally replica has the weight of an empty gun 3. Cheap materials used which cause many stupid things that you cannot encounter in real gun, and vice versa (You cannot experience real malfunctions) 4. You do not need to clean it at all, or properly clean. (however real gun - real dirt) 5. it makes you better and more dangerous (it might be a bad for may normal people because it does not give you option to wound the attacker. You fire at head and/or heart...) 6. many more other reasons... In summary, blue gun/airsoft/other methods are just only complements of education of real guns. So they never be used instead of real gun practice/education. Adding scenarios makes this matter just much more complex which is another debate. Regards.

  5. leepinlarr

    very good points made all around. My son Got me a Airsoft pistol for Fathers day after we had been talking about the expense and scarcity of rounds, we are now able to shoot at the house, I was amazed by the accuracy and speed of the airsoft pistol. We have purchased blackhawk holsters to boot.

  6. Byron Dickens

    Very excellent points made. Before I took my wife shooting for the first time, I taught her about proper grip. Then I coached her on trigger control, then sight alignment. Then I had her pit it all together and dry fire a bunch of times. After she was comfortable with the mechanics of shooting a pistol. then I explained the recoil to her. I explained what was happening, what to expect, what it would feel like and how to manage it. When we finally got to the range, I put her target about three yards out and she outshot me.

  7. G-dog

    Very thoughtful discussion.

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