Rob Pincus

Distractions in a Realistic Environment

Rob Pincus
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Duration:   1  mins


Rob Pincus is on site in PDN’s simulated realistic environment to talk about a specific personal defense topic: defensive firearms use in public and the distractions you have to deal with in addition to the threat. There is more to think about than a threat trying to hurt you, and you present your firearm, extend, touch, press, and become safe.

Challenges of a Realistic Environment

Thinking about personal defense in a realistic environment, you will have noise. And people. And the people are going to be close — involved in the situation. You will start to think about, “What is this bystander doing? Is she the intended target of the threat? Am I going to act in her defense? Or am I going to defend myself? Am I going to try to clear her from the threat?”

With another person, you may think, “Who is this guy? Is he with the threat? Is he a bystander or the intended target? What will he do when I draw my firearm and extend it to try to shoot the threat? Maybe he doesn’t understand what’s happening because he hasn’t seen the initial attack. He might become drawn into the situation and attack me.”

When you think about these things, you realize that defensive use of firearms in public is much more difficult than shooting a flat piece of paper or a steel target on a square range during firearms training.

The Low/No Light Factor

Furthermore, most critical incidents happen at night, when it becomes even tougher to identify the threat, the target and the intentions of bystanders, and to let them know what your intentions are. Take these distractions into account when you do any self-defense training and practice. Think about what it means to use a firearm for personal defense in public.

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