Rob Pincus hosted another round of Ask Rob Anything on PDN LIVE. He went live to answer personal defense and firearm questions. He covered a variety of topics, including defensive insurance, biometric safes, best carry methods depending on the weather, benefits of a light vs. a laser attachment, security systems, and much more.
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Do you know if biometric safes work well, I heard they have high failure rate recognizing fingerprints.
Recommend Refuse To Be A Victim as a 1st class, then Home Firearm Safety. Great lead in to the shooting courses.
Please repeat your three choices for defensive insurance: Legal Defense Network, USCCA, what is #3??
Please address us of a taser dart thrower vs. pistol in defense. Cops say if used you are held at the scene for the report and released. But use a gun, get in police custody and maybe overnight to decide how charges may apply to you. Release vs. detained Downtown. In San Diego, California ...Thank You.