Rob Pincus

Proper Adjustment for AIWB Holster

Rob Pincus
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Duration:   3  mins


Many people, especially those of smaller build or with a large stomach, are concerned with how to wear a holster centerline or appendix carry and keep it properly concealed without a lot of bulky clothing. PDN Executive Director Rob Pincus is wearing a lightweight athletic-cut shirt and completely concealing a full-size Glock 9mm handgun. How does he do it?

Concealment Methods

The reasons it’s possible are due to the proper adjustment of the holster and accommodations made to the way Rob wears his belt. The belt buckle is pushed off to one side. It is not sitting at the same spot the gun/holster are. The belt buckle not being anywhere near the gun means there is less material from the belt to protrude forward from the body. The user may push the belt buckle to either side or all the way to the back. This is the first key to how to wear a holster appendix carry and conceal the gun.

Adjusting the Holster

Many gun holsters are also adjustable, whether for height, cant or, particular to appendix carry, adjustable for the way they push the grip area, the top of the gun, and the top of the back of the slide back into the body, and sometimes even turn the grip back into the side of the body as well, so the gun isn’t pushing out to the side.

Rob is wearing a Spencer Keepers holster that has a soft removable wedge. It can be positioned per the needs of each individual wearer and is designed to prevent the butt and grip area of the gun from protruding from the body.

Your personal protective equipment should work for your particular needs. Adjusting a centerline-carry holster is the key to how to wear a holster comfortably and conceal a larger handgun.

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