PDN LIVE! September 2016

Rob Pincus was joined by Aaron Jannetti to answer questions about Active Shooter Response. Aaron and Rob are co-owners of Endeavor Defense & Fitness in Hilliard, OH and Aaron is the head of their ASR Program. He and their team have taught almost 50 ASR seminars already in 2016. Rob is the developer of the School Attacker Response Course and both teachers have been featured as experts on this topic by scores of media, including The Blaze, which produced a 30 minute documentary on their program.

The discussion covered a wide range of issues, prompted by questions submitted by the PDN audience, including the role of CCW in response plans, the importance of evading whenever possible, and the best steps to take when trying to institute a plan for your workplace or train to prepare your family as best as possible.

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32 Responses to “PDN LIVE! September 2016”


    I'm hitting my late 50's and wonder what is best for me a red dot or a laser for my 9mm. My eyes are not what they use to be, Looking for a positive fast aim with target lock up.

  2. Ron Case

    Very informative on making yourself informed to to people your not the bad guy, and have your gun in a nutral or non threatning posision,but at the ready

  3. Bill Weldon

    Should be interesting.

  4. Gary J. Miller

    Great show, looking to learn more.

  5. Gene Saadi

    Okay, you guys have my attention!

  6. Jaz

    I came in late. Will there be a replay of this presentation or a transcript?

  7. Scott

    I agree 100% I take my daughters and wife to the range and take part in home drills often

  8. Barry

    Thanks for the Mind Set Training for an Active Shooter Response.

  9. Don

    Just watching, for now.

  10. Brent Poole

    Just want to listen