Rob Leatham

Worlds Collide: Would You Take the Shot?

Rob Leatham
Duration:   3  mins


“Would you take the shot?” is a question often discussed in defensive shooting circles. In competitive shooting circles, this question doesn’t exist, because competition is about taking every shot. Not taking a shot results in a penalty. In defensive shooting, the “penalty” for taking a shot may be injuring or killing an innocent person.

This Is Not a Drill

A real-life defensive situation is not like a competition nor like handgun shooting drills, either of which may have shoot and no-shoot targets. In a competition, hitting a no-shoot target results in a penalty, but not attempting a shot results in a worse penalty, therefore competitors always attempt the shot.

Using self-defense weapons to save your life or the lives of your loved ones means the no-shoot targets you are facing may be your loved ones, so the question becomes would you risk shooting them by taking the shot that’s intended to hit the bad guy?

Worlds Collide

Though previous Worlds Collide videos have found competition shooter Rob Leatham and defensive shooting instructor Rob Pincus in agreement on many principles and methodologies of shooting, the topic of whether or not to take a shot reveals a huge chasm between competitive and defensive shooting. The only point both Robs agree on here is how different the two worlds are on the question of whether to take a shot.

Competitions often have strict rules about foot and body positioning relative to the targets, and may require difficult shots to be taken without moving the feet. In defensive shooting, anything goes with regard to moving any part of the body. The most important rule is, don’t shoot an innocent person!

Would You Take the Shot?

It’s a simple question in the competition world but a complex question in defensive shooting, one that may require split-second decision-making as to whether you have a viable shot on the bad guy. Train and practice realistically to prepare for that worst-case scenario.

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One Response to “Worlds Collide: Would You Take the Shot?”

  1. Rick Theilen

    I love the world collide videos. I am a competitor and defensive firearms instructor. I know both worlds well. If you participate in both worlds you will be way ahead of the curve. Competition is not real even when scenario based. It can not be, it has to be safe. At the same time self defense training is not real because it has to be safe also. If done right competition is about shooting. It is training to use a gun in the most accurate and efficient way possible. Defensive or tactical training is practicing what if's, which is important but usually involves less trigger time. In my 35 years of competition and the last five years as an self defense student and instructor that the abilities I have learned and practiced have made me much better as a student and instructor in tactical training. If the gun and its accessories are an extension of you and not a problem to solve you are in a better position to solve the problem of a threat. I have also found that competition also adds a layer of stress that I rarely find in the so called tactical training classes. I believe being able to shot better should be a prerequisite to any defensive training. If you are not a good shot why have a gun at all. Unfortunately I have witnessed tactical "Instructors" who are embarrassingly poor shots and gun handlers. Both worlds need to come together to help make all who use and/or carry a gun better.

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