Barret Kendrick

Non-Threatening Postures: What to Do After a Shooting

Barret Kendrick
Duration:   2  mins


What to do after a shooting? More specifically, what should you do in the aftermath of using a firearm in a public environment? Barret Kendrick of Bearco Training explains how to reduce the chances of being mistaken for a bad guy.

Armed in Public

You know that you have just fired on a bad guy who needed to be stopped because he was trying to hurt you or a loved one. But does everyone else in the environment know that? Not necessarily, and they may mistake you for a bad guy. Today, more and more people have concealed carry permits and may be armed in public, in addition to on- and off-duty law enforcement officers and private security personnel who may be present. In other words, there are potentially a lot of armed good guys who may think you’re a bad guy.

Once you’ve stopped shooting, it’s important not to appear to others like you’re still shooting. What does Barrett mean?

Proper Ready Position After Shooting

In the past, extended ready positions were commonly taught as what to do after a shooting, for scanning and assessing the environment for other threats. One problem with that is it looks like you are still using the firearm.

Barrett advocates bringing the firearm into the high compressed ready position and assessing the environment from that position — with the gun held close in to the chest. This non-threatening posture will cause others to hesitate and realize they do not need to use their firearm against you.

There’s a lot that can go wrong where you can still get hurt in the immediate aftermath of a shooting in a public environment. Keep this in mind when practicing your handgun skills.

PDN offers much more information about what to do after a shooting in a public space, including defensive legal issues.

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In the aftermath of using a firearm in a public environment, I may know exactly the context of just what took place. I may know that that was a bad guy that needed to be stopped because they were trying to hurt me or somebody that I care about. But the other people inside of that environment may be completely clueless on what just took place. There's loud noises going off. I, am I bad guy, or am I a good guy?

People are starting to process that information. And here we are in 2017, more and more people have concealed carry permits. There's more and more people, more good guys, that are carrying firearms inside of a public environment. But it's not just concealed carry permit holders. We also have off duty law enforcement officers, or uniform law enforcement officers, there's security guards, it could be in businesses.

So there's a lot of good people with guns that could look at me as someone that could be potentially a bad person with a firearm. So in the aftermath of a shooting, it's important if you're not actually engaged in shooting that you don't look like you're shooting to other people. So a lot of people in the past have taught these extended ready positions, where they're searching their environment or assessing that environment with that gun out at extension. The problem with that, or one of the problems with that, is that you actually still look like you're using a firearm. So if there's loud noises that are going off and I have a gun out at extension, very likely I could start to look like that bad person if somebody doesn't know that context.

So instead of having that firearm out extension, let's bring it in a whole lot closer. There's a lot of benefits in our high compressed ready position, but one of them here that in the aftermath, if I'm sitting there looking around at other people, trying to decide if there better, somewhere better that I need to be? Are there other people that I might need to actually use the firearm with? Are there other people that I actually care about that I need to be helping at that point, or other people that can help me? And as I'm moving with that firearm with it not at extension, it doesn't look like I'm actually shooting, which means it can cause hesitation on someone else's part, being that they don't think that they actually need to use the gun against me.

We need to be critical thinkers. There's a lot that can go wrong where we could still get hurt in the aftermath of a public environment shooting. So when you're out working on your skills, keep that in mind. Work on that high compressed ready position. Thanks for watching.

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