Personal Defense Priorities
Grant CunninghamDescription
All right, Grant, personal defense priorities. Personal defense priorities. Categories are gear, skill, behavior, fitness. Oh gosh. Gear, skill, behavior, fitness, one through four ranked in order of importance for someone who really wants to be safer.
I think in order, it would be behavior. It would be, I think skill and fitness are probably tied for second place, actually. And gear is certainly less. And the reason I put behavior first is because that's the first thing we control, the easiest thing that we can control, regardless of anything else. For instance, there are times when I can't carry specific gear.
Or there might be times when my fitness level is not very high. Maybe I've broken an arm or broken a leg or something, and all of a sudden, I can't control that fitness level. I can control my behavior. I can control what I do. I can control where I go.
To a certain extent, I can control who I hang around with. I can control my reactions to things. I can, to a lesser degree, help others control their reactions to things. So I think behavior, by and large, absolutely at the top. Definitely.
I absolutely agree with that point. And I'm gonna go ahead and let fitness edge out skill, because I think that fitness is such a huge contributor to how high your skill level, whether we're talking about unarmed, talking about evasive action, talking about just even medically responding and picking somebody up and carrying them, getting them to safety, dragging them where they can be treated medically, all those things are enhanced by fitness. So I'm gonna put fitness above skill, and then, obviously, gear is last. Unfortunately, way too many people spend way too much time thinking about the gear. Definitely.
And, you know, and especially in terms of fitness when we sort of zoom out and look at the big picture of just keeping alive in general- Is wellness, health, for sure. Wellness, certainly fitness goes, yeah, I would agree with that assessment. I think fitness a little above skill, certainly. And I think perhaps a wider range of application for fitness. For sure.
So there you have it, in our opinion, priorities for personal defense, safety, security: your behavior, your fitness, your skill development, and last, but not least, the gear that you carry and that you know how to use.
Amen!!! As usual you guys hit the nail on the head. We often rely on technology instead of skill and brain power over muscle power. Stay fit to stay alive. You never saw a fat soldier on the front lines.