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Duration:   4  mins

Whether you choose to believe it or not, dangerous things could happen to you. Rather than spending the time thinking that nothing should happen to you or deciding why it could happen to you, determine what you would do if it does. Our host describes a case in which a man was attacked while he was pumping gas by a mentally unstable person who mistook him for someone else. In the beginning stages of the assault, Kendrick wondered why he was being attacked and tried to reason with the man by saying he had the wrong guy. But, after he was struck in the head, Kendrick decided the situation was past the point of reason, so he took control and fired three rounds and killed his attacker. Remember, don’t wonder why it would happen, consider what you would do.

Case #4: Kendrick Join Personal Defense Network to continue watching for $10.00 per month / $112.00 per year