Rob Pincus

H&H H-Bandage

Rob Pincus
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Duration:   3  mins

Any self-defense tools you may use in a life-saving incident should be tested before you need them. But in the case of a compression dressing, once you open it to try or even just look at it, it’s no longer sterile. One answer is to buy two and open one to practice with. But in the case of the H&H H-Bandage, you can watch this video and see Rob Pincus demonstrate how to use it.


The packaging of the H&H H-Bandage describes it as a “comprehensive combat dressing.” It’s a military-grade sterile 8×10 absorbent pad, a roll of stretchy material with velcro on one end for wrapping wounds to secure the pad in place, and a piece of hard plastic in the shape of an H. These three components work together to make an effective compression dressing.

The plastic H is a unique fitting that helps the user get the pad down tight against the wound site.


Rob demonstrates how to use the H-Bandage on a leg wound. First, place the pad tight against the wound and get direct pressure with the plastic H directly over the wound. Next, take the roll of stretchy material (which is attached to the pad and the H) and pull it tight under the leg from both sides, making sure to attach it to the velcro end for a firm hold. Already at this point, if you let go because you have to do something else, the pad will be held in place.

To make the pressure much tighter, continue wrapping by pulling the roll tightly and wrapping it around one side of the plastic H. Go around the leg again and wrap it around the other side of the H. This is what gives consistent direct pressure on the wound to help control bleeding. Keep wrapping until all the material is around the leg.


PDN recommends everyday carry of personal protective gear such as a small med kit that includes a tourniquet or compression dressing like the H&H H-Bandage. It’s always best to get direct hands-on training and practice with all the gear you may need in an emergency. The H&H H-Bandage retails for well under $10 — consider buying two so you can have one for practice.

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