Rob Pincus


Rob Pincus
Duration:   7  mins


Over the last decade, the SIRT pistol from Next Level Training is the product Rob Pincus has been asked about more than any other. SIRT stands for Shot Indicating Resetting Trigger and it is a training pistol developed to complement live-fire handgun training. In this video, Rob reviews one of the latest evolutions of the SIRT pistol, the 115C.


The SIRT 115C emulates the size and feel of a Glock 19. (There are numerous other SIRTs that emulate other popular pistols.)

Rob firmly believes that if you want to learn to shoot, you must go to a range and shoot a live-fire gun. You have to learn to manage recoil if you want to prepare for shooting a gun defensively. But for times when you can’t get to the range, what can you do with a SIRT?

You can insert a magazine and drop it out.

The trigger is adjustable so it can emulate what the trigger of your gun feels like when you shoot and when it resets. Shot Indicating Resetting Trigger means you get an indication when you have shot. When you start to press the trigger, you see a red laser. When you have taken the shot, you see a green laser.

These lasers are also useful for instructors, who can give feedback to students using SIRT pistols based on the laser positions that they observe.


One thing Rob doesn’t recommend doing is rapid-fire follow-up shots, because photons don’t have a lot of recoil. The presentation and first shot are where SIRT practice is valuable. Rob demonstrates this by practicing getting the SIRT pistol out of a quick-access safe, driving the gun out and taking a shot.

You can safely practice this at home or in your workplace without worrying about double and triple checking that the live-fire gun is not loaded, or about backstops or who is home or in the office. Rob also demonstrates accessing the SIRT from an IWB holster while in a sitting position.

Check out our video by Mike Hughes of Next Level Training for more on the SIRT Pistol.

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One of the products that I've been asked about more than just about anything else, I think in the last decade it would be safe to say, is the SIRT Pistol. And I don't just get asked about dry fire training or non-live fire training options, I specifically get asked about the SIRT Pistols. You know, I was looking at this one before I was getting ready to do this series of videos for Personal Defense Network and I realized that I haven't talked about SIRT Pistols in quite a while. You know, they've been sponsors of our tour, I use them in a lot of my classes. I use them in a lot of these demos, but this is one of their latest evolutions of the SIRT pistol and this is the 115C.

It emulates the feel and size of a mid-size Glock, a Glock 19. It feels in the hand just like a current evolution Glock 19 is gonna feel. Obviously it looks like that. It's got a metal slide, it's a rugged tool. If you aren't familiar with any of the SIRT Pistols, this might be the one that suits you.

They also have ones that emulate other pistols, compact pistols, pistols by other companies, like Smith and Wesson, things like that, full size guns. They also have the SIRT Stick, it would insert one of the original SIRT 110 pistols into, I think you can get this one in there as well and it lets you then do the same kinds of things you're gonna do with this SIRT pistol with a rifle, to emulate your AR training. So what are you gonna do with this? People ask me, what do you think of SIRT Pistols? Well, I love SIRT Pistols, but what do you want to do with a SIRT Pistol, is probably an important question to ask.

Now here at Personal Defense Network, you know, we definitely recommend, if you wanna learn how to shoot, you go to a range and you get a real gun and you'll learn how to shoot, especially for defensive shooting. Can you do some things with a laser SIRT? Can you do some things with a 22 or some other kind of non-lethal ammunition or an airsoft? Sure, you can do some things, but to shoot, you need to be managing recoil. And if you're thinking about having a gun staged or carrying a gun for defense, you need to be using a real gun.

What can we do with a SIRT? All kinds of cool stuff. First of all, just generally, if you're not familiar with it, the slide does not move on a SIRT pistol, you can put a magazine in, drop a magazine out. The magazine release works. The trigger is adjustable.

And this was one of the big deal things about the cert pistol when it first came out, was this idea that the trigger is adjustable, so that it can emulate what your trigger feels like. Now this one is set up, I'll go left-handed for a second. This one is set up typically like a Glock trigger, where there's a bit of a wall, a pretty significant wall and then a break. The other cool thing about the SIRT pistol is that it is a shot indicating resetting trigger. That's what SIRT stands for.

So not only do I get the tune, the feel of the trigger that it feels like my trigger on my gun when I shoot and when it resets, I also get the indication of the shot. So I'll just go up against the wall here and you see two things here. You're gonna see a red laser and that says, I've started to press the trigger and then you're gonna see a green laser and that says, I've fired the gun. Well to the shooter, because this is meant not just as a tool for you as an individual, but also as a tool for an instructor. So if you're an instructor out there, you're thinking about getting one of these to work with your students, first of all, you can turn off the prep laser and only have the shot indicating laser.

But with both lasers on, here's what's cool, and I was gonna go to like a fake extension here, just to kind of keep in the shot. But if I go to an extension picture, a target way out there, one of the things you can see as an instructor is, when that prep light comes on, as if it starts to move, while I'm pressing the trigger, right away, you can give the student a stop. You can give the student maybe coaching corrections afterwards and say, you know, while you were pressing the trigger, the gun moved from right to left, you know? For while you were pressing the trigger, the gun moved down before the shot broke. Because all that I can see, if I've set this up correctly, is the green laser.

I can only see as the shooter, I'll see that green laser show up behind my front site so I don't see the red, but then I do see the green, indicating where my shot went. So also with a camera, right, named my camera phone, I can set that up across the room and I can get into some practice, some application where I'm actually gonna drive the gun out and fire a shot. I'm not paying attention to where that laser shows up. Maybe I'm looking at my sites, maybe I'm doing kinesthetically aligned shooting, I'm driving out and shooting and then I'm gonna go back and look at that video and see where the shot went. There's also some apps that will read the laser on the target and superimpose that and tell you that.

One of the things I don't want you doing with SIRT pistol is any kind of like, rapid fire follow up shot kind of thing, right? Photons, I would say don't have much recoil, but the presentation to the first shot, that's one of the best things to practice with SIRT pistol. I'm gonna move over here and have a seat. Now, I've gone from the simulated standing in the street, next to an old building scenario, to the simulator sitting in a desk scenario. And let's just say that, you know, I'm at my workplace and I've got this safe locked up.

I've got a gun stage in my workplace, I'm not carrying it for whatever reason and then something happens and somebody's trying to break into my office, door's locked, whatever it is, I'm gonna reach out, I'm gonna grab the quick access safe, I'm going to put in my code and I'm gonna reach in and get that gun out and I'm gonna drive that gun out and I'm gonna fire a shot. Well, that first shot that comes out, there's no difference, right? Doesn't matter that photons don't have a lot of recoil. The first shot is the first shot. Now, if I were to try to go drive out here and, you know, take multiple shots really fast and somehow say, oh, I got five shots off in a second.

That's not how that works. But the first shot, getting the idea of being able to practice getting into my quick access safe, getting my grip on the gun, getting that gun oriented, driving out and taking that first shot on a target that's maybe up in the doorway, I can do this in an office. I could do this in the bedroom. This isn't a real gun. I'm not having to worry about double, triple, quadruple checking to make sure that I don't have ammo in the space.

I don't have to worry about, you know, what's on the other side of that backstop. Somebody comes in, they interrupt my family member or coworker, you know, I could practice presenting from the holster in a garage, any seated position for that matter. You know, seated positions aren't something that are very easy to practice with a live gun. But with a SIRT, with this 115C, I practice getting startled, I lean back in the chair, I get my concealment garment outta the way, get my grip, bring the gun up, orient it with my line of sight, drive out, take that first shot and I get a really good practice rep that is virtually one-to-one, if I carry a Glock 19 and I carry Appendix, concealed in an untucked shirt, that is a one-to-one simulation of what I would have to do and I can do it virtually anywhere, in the exact chair I sit in my office, I can do it in my garage, in my car, I can do it kind of anywhere and I can do it safely. I can do it responsibly.

It's just one of the many things that you can do with a SIRT pistol. If you carry a Glock 19, you're gonna wanna look at that 115 C, and if not, you wanna look at the other models. Can I get that there? Yep. Got that balance there.

Look at one of the other models. The compact models work great for a lot of the subcompact and micro guns that are out there today. Take a good look at next level trainings SIRT pistol, when it comes to practicing a lot of things that can be done in a line live fire environment, in a very realistic way.

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