2013 PDN Training Tour: Update #8
Rob PincusDescription
All right. I am in Minnesota. And for those of you who don't know, Personal Defense Network, and our Personal Defense Network DVD series, and the online newsletters, and everything that we do with Personal Defense Network, is headquartered just outside of the Twin Cities. And the company TN Marketing that is the parent company of PDN actually has an amazing office facility. And that's of course, where all the editing gets done, that's where all of the business plans are made, that's where all the strategic partnerships like we have with Gander Mountain, with the NRA, with all of our sponsors, that's where that all happens.
So I thought it would be cool to let you go ahead and hear from Sam, one of our editors. And let him talk to you a little bit about the process that he goes through and take a look at the building, because it really is amazing. And of course, TN Marketing works with many different other brands and many other different niches of interests. So whether it's golf, or model railroading, or quilting, or certain aspects of history or knowledge, they put together all kinds of content. They've started, you know, with books.
And of course they've gone through VHS tapes and DVDs and now all the online streaming platforms like we have at PDN. A lot of it is available for free on the internet. And of course we have the DVD series which you can get sent directly to your home periodically or you can subscribe for a premium membership at Personal Defense Network, or of course, Woodworkers Guild of America, or some of the other programs that they run. So we've been in Iowa. I was down there for about eight days, I did a charity event.
We raised some money for disabled veterans and we introduced some new shooters and we had families out there having a good time. Then I've come up to Minnesota. I got to go pop into the Magnum Research facility where we actually saw guns being put together and built and some cool stuff. You're gonna see some video clips that we shot there soon on PDN. And now I'm teaching in Minnesota for a week.
And today we are are doing an introduction to Dynamic Focus Shooting, the fundamentals one day course here at the Gander Mountain Academy. Next week, I'm gonna be continuing with an advanced pistol handling class and then a combat focus shooting instructor development class in St. Paul. So the tour continues. Appreciate you watching the updates.
Well, let's take a listen to what Sam has to say about the editing process for PDN video work. Sam Mueller, I edit for PDN. I do all the web clips, DVDs, that kind of business, anything that's really video, put together after they go on shoots. And then every once in a while go on a shoot myself, capture stuff, bring it back here, put it together for whatever content happens to come my way from Rob. For a shoot, we'll build out for about a week or so.
Capture a whole bunch of content, a weeks worth of content. And then what happens is it comes back to my office here where I take it and cut all the stuff that I think is necessary for it. There's like different stuff. For example, one that I'm cutting right now with the introducing guns to kids, it's got some spots in it where people stumble over words a lot like what I'm doing right now. And I just kind of cut that off so it's more of a fluid message that people can better understand when they're sitting there watching.
So what happens when I get done editing it? It's what's called a rough cut. I'll go through it, as polished as I possibly can make it, send it to Rob. And then what he does, he watches the same thing. If there's any kind of tweaks, inaccuracies, or anything like that, he sends back the comments back to me including graphics that are for the recaps or whatever other elements, lower thirds that kind of a thing.
In which case then I edit those back into the final product before it gets sent to one of our project coordinators who she then takes a look at, makes sure that there's no spelling mistakes, anything like that, because it's just me going through it at that point, copying and pasting what Rob put in there. And sometimes I do make some of those mistakes. Not often, but then she'll proofread it. And after that, then we put it out for replication or we'll publish it onto the web. And that's when people get the project.
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