Rob Pincus

2014 PDN Training Tour Update 5/12

Rob Pincus
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Duration:   7  mins

It’s time for the PDN training tour update. Rob Pincus checks in from a carbine course in central Ohio and talks about the importance of learning how to shoot in unorthodox shooting positions and around obstacles, especially in a home defense situation. We also hear in this PDN training tour update from Joe Ball of GunTeachers who recently attended a CFS Defensive Pistol Course taught by PDN Contributor and owner of Safety Solutions Academy, Paul Carlson. Joe talks about being a student in a class with his own students and the importance of seeking out training resources.

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3 Responses to “2014 PDN Training Tour Update 5/12”

  1. Customer Service

    Thank you for contacting us. You may find information and resources under the "Resources" tab on our homepage. If you have any other questions, please contact us.

  2. Brian

    Are there any resources for finding similar training classes near my area?

  3. Laura Coplin I JUST joined your site upon a family member recommendation. The video above is the first one I am viewing. From a technical standpoint, I would like to suggest that the sound level be checked when conducting interviews/talks/anything requiring a mike. Most of us these days view on tablets or smart phones without the luxury of separate speakers with volume control. Having understandable audio without the use of headphones or ear strain makes the difference as to whether or not many of us continue to view a video. At approximately 4:24 into the above video a switch to an indoor setting is made. The speaker's audio was not visibly miked & probably recorded with the camera speaker, resulting in such a low volume that I doubt I will finish watching it. Professional miking is one of the distinguishing marks of amateur vs. professional. Since PDN is semi-professional wanting to be the leading source in PDN training, please consider adding this feature to your future videos to further distinguish yourself in the marketplace. Thanks so much & we look forward to viewing better & better videos from PDN!

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