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I wonder why they didn't build in ejectors like on shotgun barrels? That would save several precious seconds in a reload where life is at stake.
The double tap looks like a well thought out piece of equipment. If you are looking for a derringer try the Bond Arms variety. The Bond Arms comes in many calibers. I really like my .410/45 long. I have three of them. The last one I bought was the Snake Eater II. It is slightly larger but it is hell on two wheels when it comes to self defense. The Bond Arms comes in a 2 1/2 inch model that shoots all of the most popular calibers. Try them out. Thanks from the old folks corner, GARY D. FINLEY
This firearm is based on the old Derringer concept. Last resort stopping power! .45 ACP! Great tool for the purpose it was conceived! For those who who don't understand the weapon, educate themselves with the history of the Derringer.