CrossBreed Holsters Modular Belly Band
Rob PincusDescription
As Rob points out, concealed carry all day is often feasible, but if you have to enter a gun-free zone like a bank or school, or when you get home and want to place your firearm in a quick-access safe, moving it safely is critical. CrossBreed Holsters has an effective system for that.
The CrossBreed Holsters Modular Belly Band starts with the belly band, used for IWB carry of your firearm. Inside the belly band is a modular holster made of leather and kydex, which means when you pull out the firearm to move it, you are not drawing a loaded gun with an exposed trigger. The gun is secured within the holster and the trigger is covered the entire time. Still in the holster, the gun can then be placed in a quick-access safe.
Off-body carry refers to carrying a firearm in a bag, purse, backpack, briefcase, vehicle, etc. Glen says that the #1 problem he sees with new students who show up to class with their gun in one of the above is that the gun is not in a holster. The gun must be in a secure holster that protects the trigger, not floating around in a backpack! This is an important element of using gun holsters properly.
Rob demonstrates a Blackhawk bag that is designed for concealed carry with hook-and-loop fasteners. The gun — in a holster — can be secured within this bag and easily accessed if needed. Another great option for off-body carry, especially for anyone carrying a purse, is the CrossBreed Holsters Purse Defender, which is available in different sizes to fit in various purses. It stabilizes the firearm/holster and keeps it easily accessible.
Glen reminds us that NDs often occur when a firearm is being moved from one place to another with the trigger guard uncovered. Whether you employ IWB carry or off-body carry, follow our tips for safe transitioning of your defensive firearm.
Hi, I'm Glenn with Independence Training, and I'm out here today at CowTown Range with Rob Pincus from Personal Defense Network. Rob, I think one of the biggest issues most people have when they're concealed carrying, which most people do, I mean, a lot of people out there don't want everyone to know that they have firearms. But being discrete in that world is really difficult when you've gotta move your firearm from your waist to the lockbox, to your vehicle, to a briefcase. How you make that work? Right, again, most people can get through their day without having to go into like a gun-free zone, go to the bank or pick their kids up from school, but if you're in a situation where you are gonna be moving that gun around, or even at home, right?
Because you get home, and you don't take your gun off and leave it on the kitchen table if you got kids in the house. If you're like me, you put the gun in a quick access safe, sometimes you do off-body carry, and what we come up with with CrossBreed Holsters is a modular holster system. So it's a modular holster system that starts with the belly band. So the belly band piece, of course I'm wearing it just below the waistline. I think for men, that's the best place to wear it.
A lot of women prefer to wear it actually up a little higher 'cause of course their pant line sits below their waist, down by their hips. So either way, you've got your belly band on and inside of the belly band, you've actually got a modular holster. Of course, CrossBreed is known for crossing, for being able to put kydex and leather together, and what they've done is created a modular system that starts with one of their modular holsters, with a good hook-and-loop fastener on the back, a leather-backing kydex that holds the gun secure. Now as you saw, I'm fishing around inside of there, but I'm not pulling out a loaded gun with an exposed trigger. So the trigger is covered the whole time, the gun is secure here, and now I can take this when I get home at night, and I'm gonna stage this inside of the quick access safe.
Cool, no problem, set the code here correctly, pop up in my old gun vault, quick access safe, maybe it's in the hotel room when I'm traveling, and I have this one instead of one of the larger modules, I go right to the quick access safe. Now, when you address off body carry, you talk about bags. What's the number one problem you see students have when they show up maybe without any training, without the right gear, and they're talking about purse carry or bag carry? What's the number one problem? They usually don't have a holster in the bag.
Exactly, so you've got like a revolver just sitting around. Maybe they've got a separate pocket and they think, "Well, that's good enough." For me, that's not good enough. I want a really good, secure holster that protects that trigger, and of course we don't want the gun floating around in there. This bag, it's a Blackhawk bag, obviously it's built with concealed carry in mind, and it's got the soft side of hook-and-loop built into it. So again, I can take the CrossBreed module, I can put it right in the bag, and now it's always going to be staged properly so that in that worst-case scenario, I can reach right in, grab the gun, I don't have to look, I know it's gonna be oriented, not only oriented in the right direction, but oriented in a way so that I can grab it, and if I happen to miss that draw because I'm reaching into a bag, that trigger guard's protected.
Now, if you don't have this kind of a dedicated bag, the other thing that CrossBreed's done here is they've coupled what they call their Purse Defender. Obviously I'm not carrying a purse, but I'm carrying this laptop bag and it works just as well. This gives you a mounting point for the modular holster. So this sets up in the bag, in a way that allows you, regardless of which angle you're going to be putting it at, to hold the gun and keep the bag open. So it's going to keep the bag from flopping down so that when you reach into that open purse, you've got plenty of room to make that purchase on the gun and draw it.
And again, when you reach into that section of the bag, you're not gonna hit it. This is the solution that I've worked on for years now with the belly band process. We now have got our gen two band process, and you've got CrossBreed supporting it across platforms. So this is our answer. If someone comes out here to CowTown Range, great place to train, you know I love being out here with you guys.
Absolutely. It's one thing to stand out on the range all day, but when you're sitting in your car, when you're in your house, when you're in your workspace, you have these areas that you have to move the gun safely to and from as elegantly and with as least amount of maneuvering as you can, going in and out of a holster to me is bad. So gun in holster, moving from place to place, it's a much more elegant solution. Absolutely, and way more safe, as you mentioned, which is, of course, the time I think people mostly are likely to have a negligent discharge, is when they are manipulating the gun in and out of a place where the trigger guard is covered. Absolutely, so keep that trigger guard covered, take a look at the CrossBreed Modular Belly Band gen two the Purse Defender, and of course, any other product that you have where you're gonna hold the gun inside, these products can integrate with.
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