Shooting Pump Action Shotguns
Rob PincusDescription
Here's another important video from the Personal Defense Network. Let's take a look at the Pump Shotgun. We've looked at the basic manipulation. This particular one I decided to store with slugs near it, but the magazine tube loaded and no rounds chambered. So the first thing I'm gonna do of course is put the shotgun on properly with the sling.
If I had a carrying strap, I wouldn't worry about that part of the procedure. But I'd make sure my left arm was through that carrying strap, when I actually mounted the firearm up on my body. I'm gonna take these slugs and I'm either going to put them into my belt line, or I'm gonna put them right into the pocket. Of course I'm gonna reach forward, release the action, pump the shotgun, the chamber around. Now I've chambered around.
Safety on or safety off. This particular safety is on right now. So I would stage my finger here to release it or I'm gonna take the safety off and stage my finger up here on top of the receiver in a very positive way and keep it away from the trigger. Of course if I choose to do this and move forward in a ready position, if I were to drop the firearm down, I've gotta make sure to put that safety on as it comes down. Most people will choose to leave the safety on and be prepared at this point until, there was an imminent threat of danger.
Of course just because you put the safety off doesn't mean you have to bring the shotgun up and shoot. You need to be very cognizant of the fact that this is a light short trigger at this point. So we're gonna move forward as if we were moving through a house, moving to our escape area, moving to ensure our family was okay. Moving forward this way with the safety on. We get to the point where we hear a threat.
We know someone is threatening our family. They're screaming for help. We're about to round that last corner. We're gonna have the safety off and our finger up here on the receiver. As we come up, we realize that we've got a situation where we need to use a slug.
The procedure at this point is, safety on, release the action. I'm back here. I'm using what cover I have. I'm not exposing myself if I don't have to. I'm gonna rack the slide and release the round that came out into the chamber area.
When that round comes out, I'm back here in this position. I find a slug. I reach under put it in, close the action. Now I'm ready to move forward. Again the safety's on.
I take the safety off, and I take the precise shot that I would need to take with the slug. Of course if I needed two slug shots, I would have to now at this point take that other slug round, put it in there. And now I'm prepared with two slug rounds. And if I were going to engage a threat. This point safety goes back on.
Shotgun can hang. I can make that 911 call. I can complete a 911 call that I started earlier. Pick up my children, medical assistance, all the other things I might need to do. Of course if I had the pistol on, this also gives me another option to go ahead and take the shotgun.
Clear it, leaves it open especially if I don't have a sling or carrying strap. Now that it's open and unloaded, I can place it against wall. I can place it on the ground. It's not gonna be used against me, especially if I've got a pistol as a secondary firearm. I can come down and do what else I need to do.
When you're dealing with a long gun, that sling or carrying strap can be incredibly useful. Think about having one on any long gun that you may be in a position to use for the defense of yourself or others. Check out more videos just like this one at the Personal Defense Network.
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