Defensive Shooting Position: Proper Shooting Stance
Rob PincusDescription
Rob Pincus discusses why your defensive shooting stance may not be the same as a traditional target shooting position. When practicing shooting to protect yourself, you need to take your natural body positions during a fight, the physics of the firearm and the most efficient use of your anatomy into consideration. Watch now to learn a proper shooting stance.
Here comes another important tip from the Personal Defense Network. Recently on the internet, someone commented on a picture that I had from a class with some students who were in a great natural, neutral, athletic shooting position designed to work well with what the body does naturally and help them to manage recoil as much as possible in a dynamic critical incident. Their questioning was, wow, that looks odd, why are they crouched down? And what we have to remember is that we're not training to target shoot. We're not training to be in the perfect position to control a gun and to control bullets.
What we're training to do is to use a gun as well as possible in a fight, and particularly only as well as we need to. So we need to think about what are the types of things we're trying to accomplish with our firearm during the typical defensive shooting situation. While we're trying to fire multiple rounds very quickly into an area about the size of the high center chest at a reasonable distance or the expected distance. Probably between 10 and 15 feet is a really good area to practice in. Now, while the shooting may actually happen much closer in a defensive shooting environment around your car, inside of your bedroom, inside of your home entrance area, something like that, the reality is that by training at 10 to 15 feet, we're probably gonna be shooting at about the same pace that we would at eight to 10 feet or seven to 10 feet or whatever the more typical distance would be.
So by putting that target about 10 or 15 feet away, we learn to manage recoil, we learn to shoot very quickly if we practice, if we put good fundamentals into practice. But what we really need to start with is ourselves, not worrying so much about where the target is but worrying what we're doing back here. And that's why you see this crouched position with the body weight forward of the hips. So the indicators that we're looking for for a good, natural, neutral stance start with what does the human body do when it's startled? Well, we know we lower our center of gravity and we orient towards the source of that threat, towards the source of that sound or that action.
So in this position, we are naturally very athletic, we're naturally prepared to move, and we naturally put our weight a little bit forward up on the balls of our feet. What I'm looking for in a shooter on the line is that their knees are bent and that their shoulders are moved forward of their hips. These are really the biggest indicators. Essentially, it's bending the knees and bending at the hip, bending those two joints allows our weight to go forward. Of course, with our weight forward, we're then able to support the frame of the gun as much as possible to manage recoil.
So that if I go straight up and try to minimize the movement of the gun and try to lock my body in this way, and even if I then apply rearward pressure with this hand and lock my shoulder joint in, this is the maximum amount of deviation control I can get, but I'm not just worried about deviation control for a single shot, and this is nowhere near a natural intuitive position for the human body. This is natural and intuitive, and full extension of both arms is also natural. Full extension of both arms, again, allows me to support the frame as much as possible. If I bend my elbows, my arms are gonna allow more movement of the frame, which makes the gun less reliable because we wanna hold the frame still against the movement of the slide. Also, it's gonna allow more movement or more deviation during recoil.
So I'm not trying to absorb the energy of recoil, quite the opposite. I'm trying to lock out against the energy of recoil so that all of that energy is transferred from the movement of the slide to the internals of the gun to the recoil spring, get the empty brass out of the way, get the slide back as far as possible, and then allow it to travel forward under the power of that spring, that energy that's now been stored in the compressed spring to chamber the next round and ready the gun to shoot. That whole time, I want this frame to move as little as possible. So again, my weight is forward at the hip, my arms are fully extended, and that's gonna allow me to support the gun as much as possible for a good, rapid, combat accurate string of fire. I'm not worried about target shooting stance, I'm worried about supporting the gun and working well with what my body does naturally.
That's how we should be training to fight. That's how we should be training to defend ourselves. Natural, neutral stance, weight forward at full extension. Be sure to check out the Personal Defense Network for more important tips just like that one.
Rob, I am relatively new to handgun shooting and I have a question concerning gripping the handgun. I have taken classes and the Combat Focus class that you taught at GM in Lake Mary last year and have been watching and reading what PDN as to offer ever since. Here is the question, when gripping the handgun grip, do I grip with equal pressure from my hands pushing in side to side or from front to back. From front to back would seem correct because of the recoil, but I have never asked my instructors before and have not read anything on how to do this.
If you are shooting for defensive firearm training or practice, that's the way it should be done. These are great tips from a guy who knows what he is talking about! As a former prosecutor and years of reviewing cases involving danger and victims reaction to it, I can say that this is indeed the typical startle reflex. As such, why train any other way? Your body is going to do what it does based on survival instinct so use it to make yourself a better defensive shooter.
For those of us who wear glasses and can't see the sights (or the person attacking us) really clearly without looking through our glasses, too much of a lean forward and locking out the arms all the way results in having to look over top of our glasses to see the sights--and not being able to really see that well. If you lean forward and extend your arms all the way, then you have to try and force your head back to look through your glasses. Only you can't then because your shoulder muscles won't let your neck move back. Some of us are going to "naturally" use a stance that keeps our head a little more upright. I'm not arguing the points Rob makes. Having spent my early years with the post office working in gangbanger land and being attacked by pit bulls every other day, I've learned a lot about my startle response. Usually, it involves pivoting toward the area of concern, with my hand instantly going to where I always carried my pepper spray. My left hand was full of letters and I always had a stack of magazines on my left forearm, so my options were limited there. All that stuff was usually pulled in tight against my chest. Not just for protection, but to keep from dropping it. After the first couple times you have to chase that stuff around in the Oklahoma wind and put it all back in order, you learn not to drop it--no matter what is going on.
Good tip Rob. I trained as a boxer years ago and yes you are naturally in that particular stance when you are in a defensive situation the only addition is a firearm..I agree with you 100% on this video. I just never put 2 and 2 together until I seen this video!
I don't disagree with the tips, especially for someone with a slender build like Rob. But as a 300+ pound guy, in a shooting situation, I'm gonna be thinking of how to make myself appear just as skinny a target as possible. I carry a Glock 23. I have good iron sights, as well as a CT laser on the weapon and I use low recoil Hornady Critical Defense rounds so I will have good hand control of the weapon. I'm more likely to turn my body a little more to the side in order to show a thinner profile as I'm bringing up my weapon to shoot. And suck in the ole gut as much as I can. Heck, I'd dig a fox hole and jump in it if I could. For me, if I were to crouch like Rob, I'd just look like a dancing bear.
Really surprised how hard it is to convince people of this after having been instructed in one of the traditional target shooting positions. It's much easier to teach to someone that has never shot before.
I appreciate that tip on shooting stance for defensive shooting. It makes total sense and I'm surprised that more instructors don't cover that. Thanks for all your tips Rob
Why do you stand straight toward the target. Would it be better to stand sideways to give a smaller target?