Misconceptions about Firearm Training and Defensive Shooting
Rob PincusDescription
How much training do you need before you can take a firearm, put it on your body and go out into a public space prepared to defend yourself or others in the community? Well, a lot of people will tell you that you only need as much training as you get to be able to put this little plastic card in your wallet or maybe some other little plastic card in your wallet. Some people will probably tell you that it's your right in this country to carry a gun to have a gun to be prepared to defend yourself or your family and that your right to keep and bear arms is already guaranteed by the Constitution and you don't need any training. Well yes, on a technical level, those people would be right. The Constitution does give us the right to keep and bear arms for the defense of the country and of course implies the right for each one of us to be able to defend ourselves and have those guns in our home or on a person and carry them around.
Also, the people that tell you that technically that right has been restricted or controlled in most States under an organized way that allows us to go get a card that tells us that we can officially and legally carry that firearm in that State. And then we might have reciprocity with other States. Many of those States have specific requirements for training that allow you to get the card to put in your wallet. But as someone who spends most of their time teaching people how to defend themselves or others, and a significant amount of time teaching them specifically how to use firearms on ranges just like this, whether it's in a few hours, over the course of a day or a multi day course, I'm pretty convinced that most people need a lot more training than they get from reading the Constitution or certainly that they get from a state issued plastic card. Those things are there to guarantee our right and our access to firearms, Our ability to get the firearm and have the firearm when we need it.
But it's your responsibility to get enough training to make sure that you're competent enough to do it, as well as you reasonably can. Now, I'm sensitive to the fact that not everyone has unlimited training resources to spend on training. You may not have the opportunity to take the time off of work to get yourself to a class that I or one of the other PDN contributors are running somewhere in the country. You may not have the funds to be able to afford to go to the training that we provide or to one of the high dollar schools that you can travel to and spend two, three, four or five days training at. But the reality is you have some level of training resource to spend on training.
Just the simple fact that you're watching this video tells me that you have some interest, that's motivation, that's an important training resource and that you have some level of time, you can watch videos like this, you can spend time on the internet reading articles or watching other training videos. Maybe you can go buy a few extra 100 rounds of ammunition and get some practice in based on what you've learned. Maybe you even can't afford to go to a professional trainer that specializes not just in shooting, not just in target shooting specifically, not in competition shooting and not that just specializes in making sure you can have the little plastic card in your wallet, but truly specializes in making sure that you are as efficient as possible given that expenditure of resources, time, effort, money, energy, ammunition and access to a range as you can be and as prepared as possible to defend yourself or others in that worst case scenario. And don't forget, it's not just about the shooting. A lot of it has to do with getting the gun into the fight in the first place.
Making sure that you understand what the body's natural reactions to startle are, making sure that you're integrating those and your preferred carry method into your presentation from your holster and out to your shooting position. Making sure that you understand the dynamics of a threat situation. Making sure that you understand what pre-contact cues are, when you can use the firearm, when it's appropriate to draw the firearm and developing a counter ambush response so that you can get the firearm into action when you go directly from having no idea that there's a possible threat, to being under attack and being in the middle of a fight with no warning whatsoever. The responsibility to train is yours. Don't wait for the government to say that you need it.
Don't wait for your friends to tell you that you need to go with them to the range. Don't wait for someone like me to show up and say, 'hey, here I am, I'm at your house, jump in the PDN truck, we're going to the range to train'. Because it's very likely that none of those things will ever happen. If you're going to take on the responsibility to defend yourself, then meet that responsibility with proper training. It doesn't have to be the kind of thing that you spend money on.
It can just be an investment of time, critical thinking and then getting to the range and actually putting that practice in the play with a live fire firearm with actual training ammunition. While it may be your right to have a firearm and to carry that firearm to defend yourself, you need to meet your responsibility to train. It's a great misconception and a big myth to think that all you need is the plastic card in your pocket or an understanding of constitutional law to truly be prepared to defend yourself or your family or others with a firearm in the worst case scenario.
HI Rob, I enoyed the video, however, I have a surprise for all of the future civilian combat wannabees. I enlisted in the Army in 1972 and we had extensive training in the relatively new "M16", stock by Mattell. We also had familiarization training with the M60, M79 Grenade Launcher, and hand grenades. After basic, unless you were in the Infantry, we never touched a firearm, except on guard duty (unloaded). I carried a loaded M16 to guard my KW7 NSA encription equipment for teletype transmissions (5 rounds). This was at a standoff with the Russian/East German forces only 3-5 miles away. I guess the brass thought, either we were expendible, or we knew enough from basic to kill the oncoming enemy. That is one thing no one on these videos talks about. Your not training to hit a target, you are training to kill. I worked real radio operations (not 911) for a small Midwestern police dept. and I asked one of my officers, if you have to shoot, do you shoot to wound or to kill (naïve on my part). My friend said to kill. If he lives he can sue you in court. Here is the bottom line. If you want to use a firearm for self-defense, you not only need to train, but you have to determine, for yourself, if you are willing to take the persons life. In the Army, it was a no-brainer. That is what we were trained to do. I carry that same philosophy when training to defend myself as a civilian. Thanks. Gary
When I took my CPL class, the instructor told us that we were ripe for 'Film at 11." Meaning, that we only knew enough to get us killed, and more instruction was suggested. I don't know how many of my classmates took further instruction, but I know *several* CPL holders who seldom(if ever) go to the range. I don't quite understand that. I took an advanced weapons class with that same instructor, and also took the Intuitive Defense with Rob and Ken a couple of weeks ago. I also go to the range a couple of times per month, if not MUCH more. I'm trying NOT to be that "Film at 11"...
Well said sir. Let's hope that those who could benefit the most from it will heed the advice.
Personally, I would add that a certain amount of your personal individual training time also needs to be spent on familiarizing yourself with the laws and regulations governing the carry and use of weapons, and defensive force in general, in the jurisdiction(s) you live/work in and regularly travel to - because, in the event that you are forced to use your weapons and skills in the context which you have trained for, your actions and conduct will be examined by the standards set forth in the laws of the jurisdiction where that use of force occurred. This is where those "plastic-card specialist" instructors come in - a good one will be familiar and current with the laws of the jurisdiction(s) they teach for, and will be able to advise you about some of the subtle differences and distinctions that you may not pick up on by simply reading the "black-letter law" statutes online or in a law library. $50-100 spent with a local CCW instructor, or on an hour's consultation with a local criminal-defense attorney, is well worth it to learn the "rules of the road."
Agree wholeheartedly! Rights entail responsibility. For that reason I continue training as much as I'm able, and encourage others to do the same.
I have received training at every job I have worked at, if they offer it I will take it. If I need more training I will usually pay for a course with my own money. I have taken courses where they said, after they gave me the certificate, that I am trained, and I knew that was way far from the truth. I think having a gun or using any kind of self-defense needs a lot of training and continual training. Perhaps I could get by in the past at jobs with minimal training but having been in a couple of stressful situations where I had hardly any time to think but just react I know you need training that allows you to react appropriately under stress. Carrying a gun is a huge responsibility and a privilege; I think there is no question about the fact that training is needed. I think early on is the time to get training before bad habits are learned.
Very good words Rob! Unfortunately the reality of getting people to train, even just dry practice a little a night, is most just don't do it. I'm a CFP instructor (Nevada/Utah) in Las Vegas and have over 500 students under my belt and 6 years of doing permits and range training. I've worked real hard at creating 'CCW Carriers', and not just 'permit holders' but am discouraged at the lack of interest or commitment when it comes to protecting their lives and the lives of others! I follow-up with my students frequently and am surprised at how many tell me they don't live fire and NEVER dry practice. For live-fire, I recommend once every two months, at least 100 rounds, and have a plan (drills and techniques) when they go to the range. This gives them 6 visits to the range in a year. I provide them (on a self-made CD) with dry practice info and range drills so they don't have to go looking for it. I offer range training for free for my students, all they pay for is the range time, targets and bring their own ammo it's amazing out of 500+ student base I might few a few that will commit and even them some will cancel right before. It's a real sore spot with me. I estimate that out of my student base, at least 40% and probably higher DON'T EVEN CARRY ON A REGULAR BASIS! It is a long search of the soul to carry a lethal tool of self-defense daily, many people simply do not want the huge responsibility that goes along with it. I've had a lot of people that took my class and got a permit only to know what the state and local laws say about home defense...not carry. One of my motto's is "Always a student, Sometimes a teacher" and as much as I tell my students you must be ready when the eagle flies, many simply do not take it seriously. Each to his own. I dry practice nightly and (I'm a reloader) fire on average of 1500 rounds per month and I always have a plan and benchmark to meet. I've had many tell me I'm good and I should get into competition (last man-on-man competition at Front Sight I messed up and came in second out of 37 people) but I'm afraid if I do, I'll let the concealed carry arena slip and I'm not ready for that.