Stopping Violence Efficiently
Rob PincusDescription
Doing anything efficiently means accomplishing your goal with as little time, energy and effort as possible. When it comes to stopping violence, what are the most efficient ways to stop or avoid it?
Avoidance is definitely a strategy for efficiently stopping violence. If you remove yourself from the area where violence is occurring or likely to occur, you’ve ended the violence for yourself.
So first, think about not being where violence is happening. If a protest or rally is occurring and directed at a group you are a part of, staying away from it is a good way to stop violence efficiently, i.e., before it happens to you. If you’re in a bar and signs indicate a fight is about to break out, leaving before the first punch is thrown means you will not be involved in violence.
Carrying a Concealed Firearm
However, sometimes you cannot avoid violent situations, and this is where carrying a concealed firearm comes in — or having a firearm staged in your home and/or workplace. There is no doubt that one of the most efficient ways to stop a violent predator who is intent on killing or seriously injuring you or someone you care about is by employing defensive firearms skills.
This means not only carrying or staging a firearm but also having trained for the application of defensive shooting skills that are appropriate to the scenario.
The Great Equalizer
A firearm isn’t always going to be the best way to stop violence efficiently, but often it is the only way for some people to generate enough force under the circumstances under which they may be killed or seriously injured. Think about how the firearm is the great equalizer. Anyone with skills and access to a firearm can stop a violent human immediately via a rapid string of well-placed shots.
At I.C.E. Training Company, we have a concept that the best thing you can do is stop violence efficiently. And what efficiently means is achieving your goal with as little time, effort or energy as possible. So when it comes to stopping violence, what's the easiest way for you to stop it and/or avoid it? Because let's face it, if you get away from where that violence is, if you can't be made a victim by the perpetrator of the violence, then you've ended the violence.
You've stopped it for you and those that you care about. So obviously, the first thing that you should think about is not being where violence is happening. There's an old cliche inside of the training community about not being in dumb places with dumb people, doing dumb things. And it's absolutely accurate. If you know that there's a certain group of people that might be more prone to violence, or it might specifically target you for violence under certain circumstances, maybe there's a protest going on, maybe there's a riot or some kind of an event going on that is specifically expressing animosity towards a group that you're a part of.
Well, going down there to agitate probably isn't the greatest way to stop violence efficiently. To avoid violence at all would be the better way. But there are some times when you can't avoid violence. And that's where carrying a concealed firearm comes in. That's where having a firearm staged in your home or your workplace comes in.
There is no doubt that one of the most efficient ways to stop a violent predator who's intent on killing or seriously injuring you or someone else that you care about, is by employing defensive firearm skills. And of course, that means not only having that firearm on your person or staged in a place where you can get to it efficiently but also, having trained for the application of defensive shooting skills that are appropriate to the scenario. A firearm isn't always going to be the best way to stop violence efficiently. But it quite often is the only way for some people to generate enough force under the circumstances, under which they may be killed or seriously hurt. If you think about how the firearm is a great equalizer, anyone who has developed the skill and has access to the firearm can use that to stop any other human immediately.
Well-placed shots, a rapidly shot string of fire into the high center chest, maybe a shot into the head if that's what you need to do. If the circumstances, because of bystanders, only allow you to take that shot, are a great way to stop violence efficiently.
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