Rob Pincus

Active Shooter Protocol

Rob Pincus
Duration:   2  mins


Active Shooter Protocol definition and explanation including example situations and how to protect yourself and others with a rifle.

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2 Responses to “Active Shooter Protocol”

  1. JEFF

    "...definition and explanation including example situations ..." Sorry, but I did not hear or see any example situations. Maybe it occurred when I yawned. Not a recommended video - no value - waste of time.


    If you are NOT inside an active shooter situation, then deciding to GO IN to the situation with a rifle (as a civilian) is the WORST decision you can make. Should you do this, you run the very real risk of having one or more of the following occur: 1. Getting yourself killed when another first responder (law enforcement officer) mistakes you for the BAD guy. 2. Shooting the wrong 'BAD' guy when YOU mistake the off-duty, plain-clothes law enforcement officer for the 'BAD' guy. 3. Getting shot by another 'GOOD' guy who is already INSIDE the active shooter event and is defending him or herself, but does not know you are a 'GOOD' guy. 4. Delaying the REAL law enforcement response by having your presence communicated by civilians INSIDE of the active shooter situation, who are on the phone with 911 and are communicating with a dispatcher, but do not know you are a 'GOOD' guy and responding officers mistakenly think there are more active shooters than there actually are, choose to focus on YOU and NOT the real 'BAD' guy(s). Personal Defense network should not encourage everyday folks to think they can train to ENTER an active shooter situation with a long gun, and this type of training is 100% irresponsible.

Here's another important video from the Personal Defense Network. One other thing I want to touch on when we talk about the use of a rifle for the defense of yourself or others, is that you may find yourself in a position to act when in a public environment or an apartment complex or your subdivision. You have what we call an active shooter. Someone who is taking an opportunity to take advantage of what they perceive as defenseless helpless people in a public environment, or moving apartment to apartment or house to house in a condensed living area. If you find yourself in one of these situations or in the vicinity of one of these situations and were to say receive a phone call from one of your kids saying, mom, dad I'm in a shopping mall and I know you're on your way to pick me up, but there's someone shooting at me.

And they probably wouldn't say it that calmly. And you probably wouldn't react very calmly to that situation. There is an opportunity within the training industry now to go and get the training appropriate to someone who would want to respond to that situation whether you do so involves legalities and responsibilities that while I won't address here I will encourage you to explore and to take advantage of in terms of training opportunities and knowledge that you're going to need in order to react responsibly in those situations. Having a long gun in those situations either in your vehicle or from your home would make you infinitely more capable of responding in a typical incident. But not having the training, not having the knowledge to do so responsibly and safely would be a great mistake on your part.

Firearms ownership is a great responsibility. Defending yourself, takes it to the next level defending your family or others, particularly in a public space, takes it to a new realm of responsibility and accountability that you need to really think about and consider before you would go into a situation knowing that you are not the one being threatened but you do have the opportunity to keep other people from being hurt. If you use your firearm responsibly and effectively. Check out more videos, just like this one at the Personal Defense Network.

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