Rob Pincus

Active Shooter Response with Family Member's Gunshot Wound: Staying Behind Cover

Rob Pincus
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Duration:   2  mins

On the range, two students role play being under attack in a public environment. It’s important to understand that in this situation, if one person receives a gunshot wound, the other’s priority should be getting behind cover, not rushing to aid the injured person and possibly also being shot. From behind cover, the uninjured person can potentially address the threat if it is visible, or encourage the family member with the gunshot wound to get behind cover, and then render first aid.

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6 Responses to “Active Shooter Response with Family Member's Gunshot Wound: Staying Behind Cover”

  1. Gary Katz

    If the injured person is unable to reach cover, you could possibly back the vehicle between them and the shooter (being careful not to run the injured person over).

  2. Bill

    Thought decision to leave one injured on the battlefield. There is no spot on answer. As a 30 year police officer from the Los Angeles area this was an issue that always confronted us. Espically since I worked very closely with a group of guys on an entry team. We all agreed that we'd never leave one behind. I thank God we never has to test our resolve. With a family member one has to also consider if you go to their aid before stopping the threat and your family member takes more rounds and you survive can you live with the decision.

  3. Joseph

    I love this site with everyone contributing. I have sometimes learned more from reading the responses. I have to sometimes go in confined underground spaces and I have been told over and over again if someone is in trouble under no circumstances go after them. Then they read cases of others who went in after and themselves ended up dead. I agree with everyone above, Jean, Grant, Chris that it is great advice but hard to follow but we must. Yes like was said above, "train,train, train."

  4. Chris

    Excellent points Jean and Grant. You do have to fight that natural, family-care reaction, and do what is best in the situation. Search on the web for TCCC Tactical Combat Casualty Care - and read about "Care Under Fire". Then train, train, and train some more! You can even train in your own driveway (just don't take your gun out there, or the busy-body neighbor will call the cops about the terrorist on her street!).

  5. Grant

    I agree with Jean. I'd really have to fight the natural urge to help my family member or friend. Good message - seek cover, assess, think, then act.

  6. Jean

    Wow! I am just not sure I could do that: go to cover after a family member is shot. But I do see the purpose in it. If I rush to help my loved one or an injured stranger and end up shot too, I do neither of us any good. Tough, tough decision and one that truly comes up against the natural human reaction to render aid. I hope, if I'm ever in such a situation, that I will do the best thing for everyone involved.

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