Staging Home Defense Guns Near an Entryway
Rob PincusDescription
Make Sure It’s a Threat
Someone ringing the doorbell in the middle of the afternoon probably does not constitute a threat. Actions that more likely indicate a threat include shots fired just outside your home, someone screaming they’re coming to kill you, or someone trying to break down the door. If the hinges are shaking, it’s probably time to put your home defense plans into action.
As part of your home security, preventative steps include making sure you have a solid door that presents a strong barrier to entry, with deadbolt locks. Check out PDN’s videos specifically on the topic of home door security. If it’s daytime and you don’t have all the locks engaged, do that immediately at the sign of a threat.
If you decide you need to access your home defense firearm, don’t turn your back on the door as you move. The door may come open at any moment and you may need to engage hand to hand because you haven’t accessed the firearm yet.
Firearm Staging Options
A Tactical Walls picture frame clandestine storage device is an excellent option for an entryway because it looks like part of your home decor. It opens via RFID technology so you can access the firearm quickly. You can either attach it to a magnet inside the Tactical Walls picture frame or you can have a holster piece mounted and draw it from that.
Get the firearm into a ready position, still without turning your back on the door, and back away from the door into a more secure space. Get some distance between you and the bad guy, and if you can get a corner between you, that’s even better.
Next Steps
Verbally alert the family to the threat if they aren’t already aware, and either call 911 or ask a family member to make the call.
Imagine for a moment that you're approaching your front door because you think maybe you're getting a package or an unexpected friend is coming over to hang out. And you suddenly realize that it's actually a potential lethal threat that you need to be prepared to defend yourself from. Especially in a situation where there may be other people in the house and you can't just simply run to a barricade area because you're concerned that someone might break through the door and go in a different direction hurting family members that may be in that area. In that case, it's going to be a great idea to have some type of defensive tool. In this case that defensive firearm , staged near your entryway.
So imagine I'm coming up towards the door and I maybe look out the window and I see someone who's obviously a threat. Maybe I had reasonably believe that's unusual for someone to be there. And I looked at my camera on my cell phone it's tied into a porch camera. Maybe I came right up and looked through the people. Maybe I didn't even have to approach the door because I heard someone fire a shot outside and say, "I'm going to kill you Rob." or someone's pounding on the door.
And I see that the hinges moving as they're smashing against that door with their full body weight. Obviously the last thing I want to do is to put myself in a position where I need to be near the door. Now, for some reason, the door is left unlocked maybe you only have the standard lock, You don't have the deadbolt lock set if you have some other security lock then it may be a compelling thing to do to increase the structure of the door. And now somebody is already pounding on it maybe you don't want to get that close. But if you see someone outside who looks like they're potentially a threat and it's the middle of the day and you have some type of extra security locks that you haven't engaged, now's the time to do it.
But very quickly, you're going to want to move into a position to access that stage defensive firearm. And you notice I didn't turn my back on the door. Remember that door could come open at any moment and I may need to fight as opposed to arm myself. in this case I'm going to use this tactical walls, picture frame. This is a clandestine staging area that uses RFID to open up and release access to these firearms.
This case, I've got a medical kit, I've got a light. right now all I need is that firearm. I needed that firearm into my ready position because it's inside of a holster piece here. One of the crossbreed module pieces. I know that there's already around in the chamber.
If I had the gun, just sitting here on the magnet I'd probably need to chamber around. At this point, I'd be able to move back into a more secure space, getting more distance, getting a little bit of a corner between me and that bad guy. And of course now is when I would be calling out to the family. I might be calling out to tell someone to call 911 Maybe I have a panic alarm on that remote access app controlled security system. Or of course ,I could just call 911 And then at this point, maybe leave the phone right there.
Maybe put the phone down in the ground, put the phone on speaker, tuck it into my belt and go back into that two-handed, ready position. Now, if you generally carry a firearm concealed or open inside of your home when you're awake for defensive purposes, then something like this may not matter to you. But remember, many of us live with other family members who are trained in and authorized in the use of defensive firearms around the home to defend themselves or other family members, or maybe me if I'm asleep and they don't carry a gun around. So thinking about staging a defensive firearms somewhere where it's in close proximity to the entryway, whether it's a front or rear entryway, or maybe both its something that you should seriously consider if you're interested in, being as prepared as possible for defending yourself and those you care about inside of your home
What brand cabinet is that? Is there a non RFID version similar to what stop box does? I don't carry my wallet or a card with me around the house
That "hidden cabinet" is way too close to the door. If they are kicking it in or shooting through it you do not want to be standing in front of it to access a weapon. Just as LEO's do not stand in front of a door they have just knocked on we should not stand in front of the door on the inside for the same reasons. Great to have staged hidden weaponS but come on, not in front of the door.
(The wall storage sliding door...)
Remember what your mom said: "Close the door!"